Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Out Of The Womb and Onto The Ice: The Sidney Crosby Story

Yes, that title is completely derived from the brilliant movie Blades of Glory, but I'm not worried about it.  So with the NBA players still filled with greed, my attention is turning to the NHL, and this week, most prominently Sidney Crosby's lucrative return.

So pretty much during the 2011 Winter Classic game Crosby, who also happens to be the most talented offensive player in the league, got blindsided and suffered some major concussion symptoms.  Really fucking major concussions symptoms, so fucking major he missed 10 months on the ice.  So before his return game, which was two days ago against the Islanders, many skeptics were questioning if Crosby could perform to his original level, or if he would be afraid of contact (he has always been a pussy anyway).  Crosby shut those critics the fuck up faster than Ovechkin finds a loose Russian women.  He made a great defensive play and then scored a phenomenal backhand goal in the first 4 minutes of the game, and then finished the game with 2 goals and 2 apples.

Crosby may be a pretty big pussy, but I respect talent, and I also respect injuries due to concussions. What Crosby did with this return game was make himself impossible to rip on.  Sure he has taken photo shoots like this:

And grows facial hair worse than me:

But come on, he gets blindsided at game that doesn't even count for anything, and gets concussion symptoms for 10 god damn months. Yet he comes back despite his critics and puts on a scoring clinic.  So yea, Crosby is a pretty big bitch, but he is also so good at hockey, no matter what the circumstances, that I can respect him now.  So maybe it was good for Crosby to get concussed worse than Jahvid Best does on a regular basis because now he has something to argue his toughness with.  Good work Sid, good work, you proved to the world you aren't a 100% pussy.

-Blaine Swaggert  

Oh also, I guess I'm required to give Monica a shoutout...congratulations Monica you ruined this entire post...

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